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Juventus Not Going All-Out to Capture Calafiori for Now

June 19, 2024

Juventus surely like Riccardo Calafiori a lot, but they might not chase him all summer long. They are unlikely to match Bologna’s sky-high demand. The Bianconeri are a lot more determined to sign Douglas Luiz, Teun Koopmeiners, and Giovanni Di Lorenzo in the early stages of the summer, Alfredo Pedullà informs.

In addition, the Felsinei keep upping their request. His sound performances with the Azzurri help them. Their CEO recently stated that he’d stay put. Basel’s re-sale clause is also a factor.

Juventus have offered at most €20/25M for Calafiori. Instead, Bologna want at least €40M. The Roma youth product would like to move to Turin and reunite with his former coach. He’s drawing interest from abroad as well.

The Rossoblù don’t need to sell since he has a long-term contract. They will likely receive a fat check for Joshua Zirkzee, even though they aren’t completely resigned yet to losing the striker. Their finances are in good shape. Moreover, the Champions League prize money will be a strong boost.

Our Take on Juventus and Calafiori
Their strategy is sound, as the two midfielders and Di Lorenzo would address glaring holes in their squad. Instead, the center-back would be an upgrade, but they are fine numerically in the back, especially if Thiago Motta decided to count on Tiago Djaló or some returning youngsters. It’s still possible that the gap between clubs will be filled by a makeweight, but Bologna won’t want to lose multiple cornerstones.

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